Well, we did it. We broke down and bought a FURminator - from a site we saw advertised on the blog after I posted my W.T.FURminator? article last summer. Instead of $60, we spent about $13. It took a couple of weeks to get here, but I can be patient for almost $50 in savings. We've been using it for several months, but this is really the first time I've been able to give it a test on the ol' winter undercoat. Orion's is so dense, he's actually a different color in the summer than the winter. When we adopted him about a year ago, he was almost white. As his winter coat fell out (all over my house, kids, clothes, etc...), we turned white and he turned sort of wheat-colored. Of course, since then his winter undercoat has come back and is now on it's way out again. Orion's an indoor dog. I can't imagine how thick it would be if he was kept outside! In any case, we gave him a good combing a couple of days ago, and I'm happy to report that my $13 was well spent. He loves being FURminated, and it really does get that dense, downy undercoat out. I even have one of those pictures everyone posts of their dog in a pile of fur that the FURminator has dislodged. (Note: Orion is not being throttled in the picture - his collar is high on his neck so my DH can comb his ruff, and Orion is basking in the sunlight. Really. Does it look like a dog that size would just be sitting there if he weren't happy?)
Now, Orion is back in his summer coat of khaki, just in time to hide his passion for mud puddles and dusty dog parks. Sigh. Perhaps my next review will be for dog shampoos!
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